August 12, 2020

मितिः साउन २८, २०७७ प्रेस विज्ञप्ति ययाति उल्कावर्षा स्विफ्ट टटल नामक पुच्छे्रताराका कारण हुने उल्कावर्षा यस वर्ष अगष्ट १२ राती देखि अगष्ट १३ को बिहानसम्म अत्याधिक मात्रामा देखिने छ । ती उल्का वर्षाको स्रोत पर्सियस (ययाति) तारामण्डलमा भएको जस्तो देखिने हुनाले यसलाई पर्सिड मिटियर सावर नाम दिइएको छ । स्विफ्ट टटल अहिले पृथ्वीको नजिक छैन […]

July 23, 2020

We are pleased to announce the call for nomination (self) for the 4th NASO Women in Science Award 2020 (WiSA2020). WiSA is a program started in 2017 and run by Women in Astronomy Nepal (WIAN) an initiative within Nepal Astronomical Society (NASO) providing a platform for women working in the field of science, technology, engineering […]

June 26, 2020

This is a great news to share with you all that Blind Rocks! will receive a telescope singed by astronauts and Nobel Laureates this year. Blind Rocks! become one of the 17 communities around the world to receive a telescope for their outreach program. Congratulations Blind Rocks! team. Ms. Sristi KC, Founder- Blind Rocks! After […]

June 22, 2020

Partial Solar Eclipse on June 21, 2020 proved as one of the best celestial event for us to reach millions of people from Nepal. Though COVID-19 pandemic disrupted our public observation campaign with cancellation of the many onsite observing facilities across the country, we implemented different mode of interaction to create this observing opportunities to […]

June 14, 2020

मिति:जेठ ३२, २०७७ प्रेस विज्ञप्ति वलय सुर्यग्रहण, असार ७, २०७७ नेपाली समय अनुसार असार ७ गते लाग्ने वलय सुर्यग्रहण नेपालबाट भने खण्डग्रास मात्र देखिनेछ। प्रदेश–१ बाट सन् १९६५ नोभेम्बर २३ तारिख विहान देखिएको वलय सुर्यग्रहण हेर्न नेपालले सन् २०६४ फेब्रुअरी १७ सम्म कुर्नुपर्ने छ जुन प्रदेश–१ को दक्षिणपूर्वी भूभागबाटै देखिनेछ। असार ७ गते तदनुसार जुन […]

June 5, 2020

आज सन् २०२० को दोस्रो चन्द्रग्रहण लाग्दैछ जसलाई नेपालबाट पनि देख्न सकिन्छ। यो चन्द्रग्रहण खग्रास वा खण्डग्रास नभएर पेनम्ब्रल चन्द्रग्रहण हो।यो विरल छायाँजनित ग्रहण भएकोले नेपाल पञ्चाङ्ग निर्णायक समितिले प्रकाशन अनुमति दिएका पात्रोमा यस बारेमा भेटिँदैन। पौराणिक ज्योतिष शास्त्रमा यस किसिमको ग्रहणको अस्तित्व स्विकार गरिएको देखिँदैन। ग्रहण आज राति ११ बजेर ३० मिनेटमा सुरु भई […]

June 2, 2020

In order to help more students and teachers in Nepal understand the CCD Astrometry, Digital Sky Surveys and different astronomical software, types of asteroids, their discovery process, we are organizing a training each month this year. The June session will be held during June 4-5, 2020 where participants will get an opportunity to interact, build […]

May 21, 2020

We are pleased to announce that we will be hosting joint ‘Astrophotography Exhibition’ with India and China In June 2020. For this, we open a call for Astrophotos where anyone who has taken Astrophotos from Nepal can submit for the evaluation. Selected photos will be showcased during the exhibition. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the exhibition […]

May 20, 2020

We are pleased to share that IAU Office of Astronomy Outreach (IAU OAO) has call for the proposal from people around the world or its new project where they will be distributing 15 telescopes globally.  ***The deadline for submissions is June 1, 2020*** ***Winners will be announced by June 15, 2020*** We encourage applications related […]

May 20, 2020

The result of the Pre-Closed Camp of the 7th National Astronomy Olympiad 2020 senior category, published today! Pre-Closed is the second round of the National Astronomy Olympiad (NAO) program in Nepal. It was held during February 15-March 15, 2020 students selected from the first rounds were provided different assignments. Based on the evaluation of the […]