Workshop in Astronomy & Astrophysics Research on February 27, 2018!

As a part of our new initiative ‘Developing Astronomical Skills in Nepal’ approved and partially supported by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), we in association with Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) are hosting a one day ‘Workshop in Astronomy and Astrophysics Research’ for 3rd Year students (preferably taking space science and interested to do projects in space science and astronomy/astrophysics in 4th Year) and B.Sc. 4th year students (preferably doing projects in astronomy/astrophysics or space science) of 4-Year B.Sc. program of Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu University and other universities of our Nation.

*** Click Here For Registration ***
Interested students are requested to complete their registrations by no later than Friday, February 23, 2018! The travel grant decision will be available by Sunday, February 25, 2018. 
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Registration fee is NRs. 100/- only. For registration, call Suresh Bhattarai at 9818734326. You can either pay the registration fee to of your faculty who shared this info to you or pay directly to us via Esewa (ID:9818734326) fund transfer with remarks: workshop registration fee!

Note: Limited partial/full travel grant is available for deserving students. Women are especially encouraged to apply!
The workshop will select 15 students who will be invited for a week long summer school in May-June 2018 to be held in Kathmandu (proposed).

*** Click Here For Registration ***

For any queries, please feel free to call/text us at 01-4110344 / 9818734326 or email us at .

Source: New feed

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