Nepal Astronomical Society (NASO) has been celebrating World Space Week in Nepal since 2007. Our first space outreach event was the celebration of 50th Anniversary of the First Artificial Satellite: Sputnik-I on October 4, 2007, in collaboration with Russian Center of Science and Culture – Kathmandu (RCSC-Kathmandu). Since then, we are organizing different activities as a part of our World Space Week celebration in Nepal.
We are pleased to announced the result of the 5th National Online Space Speech Competition 2023. The winners are:
- First Place: Prashma Shrestha, Reliance English Secondary School, Miklajung – 7, Madhumalla, Morang, Koshi Pradesh
- Second Place: Atharba Pal, Budhanilkantha School, Budhanilkantha, Kathmandu, Bagmati Pradesh
- Third Place: Sadikshya Lohani, The Excelsior School, Swoyambhu, Kathmandu, Bagmati Pradesh
- Fourth Place: Drishti Aryal, Lumbini World School, Tilottama-13, Madhawaliya, Rupandehi, Lumbini Pradesh
We are pleased to announce the result of the 7th National Online Space Art Competition 2023. The winners are:
- First Place: Priyashi Joshi, Lumbini World School, Tilottama-13, Madhawaliya, Rupandehi, Lumbini Pradesh
- Second Place: Iching Limbu, Reliance English Secondary School, Miklajung – 7, Madhumalla, Morang, Koshi Pradesh
- Third Place: Samir Basnet, Saraswati Niketan Secondary School, Brahma Tol, Teku, Kathmandu, Bagmati Pradesh
- Fourth Place: Chhabi Raj Ojha, Shree Secondary School, KalaKhola, Dang, Lumbini Pradesh & Dikendra Magar, Bal Vidya Mandir English Boarding School, Belaka-02, Udaypur, Koshi Pradesh
The shortlisted speeches are now available in our YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/NASONepal
Topic for 2023: Space and Entrepreneurship
New Deadline: 23:59 PM, October 15, 2023
Click here to apply for the 5th National Online Space Speech Competition 2023 (for class 9-12)
Click here to apply for the 7th National Space Art Competition 2023 (for class 6-8)
Registration fee in support of Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST)
Detail information about the competitions
7th National Space Art Competition 2023: Win A Telescope

Nepal Astronomical Society (NASO) is pleased to announce the 7th National Space Art Competition 2023. It is a unique opportunity for class 6-8 students to showcase their talent to win exciting prizes.
First Prize: Telescope, medal and certificate
Second Prize: Gift hamper, medal and certificate
Third Prize: Gift hamper, medal and certificate
Rules and Regulations
Students from class 6-8 are eligible to participate
Only the registered submission will be considered for further evaluation
Shortlisted Space Arts videos will be published on NASO YouTube Channel for Public Voting
The Space Art should be made at least in A4 size either landscape or portrait and based on the theme ‘Space and Sustainability’
The result will be based on 50% public voting and 50% decided by jury
Winners will be awarded in one of our programs
Click here to submit your space art. For any queries, please call us at 9843708248 (NASO Office)
5th National Online Space Speech Competition 2023: Be Global

Nepal Astronomical Society (NASO) is pleased to announce the 5th National Online Space Speech Competition 2023. It is a unique opportunity for high school students to showcase their talent and win exciting prizes.
First Prize: NRs. 10,000/-, medal and certificate
Second Prize: NRs. 5,000/-, medal and certificate
Third Prize: NRs. 3,000/-, medal and certificate
Rules and Regulations
Students from grade 9-12 are eligible to participate
The video record of the speech must be submitted within the deadline
Only the registered submission will be qualified for the competition.
Only the shortlisted videos will be published on NASO YouTube channel for voting
The length of the video must be no less than 3 minutes and no longer than 5 minutes
Proper time management carries 10 points
First 15 seconds (maximum) must be the introductory part including your name, address, grade, school name and age.
The result will be based on 50% public voting and 50% decided by jury.
The video must be unpublished, in case of video being public from any other sources before being published from NASO channel officially; will be disqualified. If you need any help to make sure you video will not be public, please contact us at www.facebook.com/NASONepal
There is no language barrier, one can use either English or Nepali or both
Winners will be awarded with cash, trophy/medal and certificate in one of our programs
Click here to submit your space speech. For any queries, please call us at 9843708248 (NASO Office)
September 12, 2023: We are pleased to announce that Ministry of Education, Science and Technology will be the co-organizer of the competitions this year. With their partial financial support, we are making registration FREE for the the 5th National Online Space Speech Competition and 7th National Online Space Art Competition open today! The theme for this year is “Space and Entrepreneurship”. The new submission deadline is October 15, 2023.
September 5, 2023: Registration for the 5th National Online Space Speech Competition and 7th National Online Space Art Competition open today! The theme for this year is “Space and Entrepreneurship”. Registration/submission deadline is September 30, 2023.
April 1, 2023: Winners of the ‘4th National Online Space Speech Competition 2022: Be Global’ that was held during August-October 2022 announced today.
March 31, 2023: Winners of the ‘6th National Space Art Competition 2022: Win A Telescope’ held during August-October 2022 announced today.
February 11, 2023: Shortlisted videos of the 4th National Online Space Speech Competition 2022 is now available in our YouTube Channel. The voting is open until February 20, 2023. Click here to watch the videos.
September 16, 2022: Registration deadlines for the 6th National Space Art Competition and 4th National Space Speech Competition have been extended until September 30, 2022. Please read the information available in the registration form carefully
Sepetmber 3, 2022: Winners of the 5th National Space Art Competition and 3rd National Space Speech Competition were awarded at the 15th NASO Day event held at Southwestern State College, Kathmandu.
August 19, 2022: Registration open for the 6th National Space Art Competition and 4th National Space Speech Competition. The registration deadline is September 15, 2022. Please read the information available in the registration form carefully.
September 3, 2021: Registrations open for the 5th National Space Art Competition and 3rd National Space Speech Competition. The registration deadline is September 25, 2021. Please read the information available in the registration form carefully.
September 18, 2020: Registration deadlines for the 2nd National Online Space Speech and National Space Art Competitions have been extended until September 25, 2020. Don’t miss the deadline!
August 27, 2020: Registration opens for the 4th National Space Art Competition 2020 and 2nd National Online Space Speech Competition.
January 31, 2020: Winners of the 1st National Online Space Speech Competition 2019 announced today. Congratulations to Mr. Saugat KC (first place), Ms. Smarika Neupane (Second place) and Mr. Veer Chandra Kamati (third place) for their excellent performance!
December 29, 2019: Winners of the 3rd National Space Art Competition 2019 announced today. Click here for the result.
November 10, 2019: Registration deadlines for the space art and space speech have been extended until November 30, 2019 as we received several requests from the schools in province 1 as the schools were closed for almost 40 days!
October 1, 2019: Registration deadlines for space art and space speech have been extended until November 10, 2019.
September 18, 2019: Registration open for the 1st National Online Space Speech Competition 2019. Don’t miss the chance of being Global! Apply Now!
September 18, 2019: Registration open for the 3rd National Space Art Competition 2019. Don’t miss the chance to win your a telescope! Apply Now!
August 26, 2019: Winners of the 2nd National Space Art Competition 2018 received awards, medals and certificates during 12th NASO Day Ceremony held at Russian Center of Science and Culture (RCSC) , Kathmandu, Nepal
June 10, 2019: Ms. Manisha Dwa will be the new World Space Week Coordinator for Nepal! Lets congratulate her for the new and exciting role!
October 11, 2018: Ms. Shruti Gurung, Class 8, Adhyayan School, Kathmandu won the Public Choice Award of the NASO 2nd National SpaceArt Competition 2018!
October 4, 2018: Twenty shortlisted space arts are now available for voting! The Facebook voting is to announce the Public Choice Award with gift hamper and certificate. Click here to vote for your favorite space art!
October 1, 2018: Total of fifty-three space arts received from province 1, 2, 3 and 4 at the NASO 2nd National Space Art Competition 2018. Shortlisted arts will be available for facebook voting for the public choice award during October 4-10, 2018.