Sign Up for NASA Space Apps COVID-19 Challenge in Nepal!

The wait is now over! Registration for the NASA Space Apps COVID-19 Challenge is now available! It’s time to use NASA, ESA and JAXA earth observation data to participate in the challenge set by COVID-19 pandemic!

How to register?
1) Visit
2) Click on the event ‘NASA Space Apps COVID-19 Challenge, May 30-31, 2020
3) You will be redirected to sign up page
4) Sign up yourself with your ‘ email’ and chosen’ username’
5) You will receive an email to’ Verify’ your account. Once, verified you will receive another email with verification confirmation.
6) Choose ‘South and Central Asia’ and click on Register Now’.
7) Check your email for registration confirmation. Note your username and password that you created for accessing the Challenge ‘Dashboard’ and learn more!
8) For any confusion or issues, contact NASO office, for the support.

Ready to be a part of this global event in Nepal? Register now! We look forward to welcoming you!

Source: New feed

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