Name ExoWorlds National contest held in Nepal during August 1-31, 2019. The contest provided an opportunity for Nepali people living in Nepal or abroad to propose names to a host star and a planet of another world! We received total of 476 proposals for the two names: one for the host star (HD100777) and one for the planet (HD100777b) along with explanations.
The voting has been divided into two sections: Part-1 and Part-2. As a part-1, we open public voting for the proposed 10 shortlisted names for the Planet HD100777b during September 18 – October 2, 2019. Part02 is currently on for the public voting for the proposed 10 shortlisted names for the Star HD100777. Voting is available at the HamroPatro Mobile App.
Click here to Vote NOW
The Proposed Name Should be:
- The proposed names should be of things, people, or places of long-standing cultural, historical, or geographical significance, worthy of being assigned to a celestial object.
- Although not necessary, the names may be drawn from themes related to the sky and astronomy, or related in some way to the constellation or a cultural asterism in which the exoplanetary system lies.
- Two (2) names should be proposed – one (1) for the exoplanet and one (1) for the star it orbits.
- The proposed name should be between 4 and 16 characters in length (including spaces or punctuation after translation in English)
- The proposed names should be preferably one word.
- The proposed names should be pronounceable easily and should be non-offensive
- Not identical to, or too similar to, an existing name of an astronomical object.
The proposed should not be:
- Names of a purely or principally commercial nature.
- Names of individuals, places or events principally known for political, military or religious activities.
- Names of individuals that died less than a century ago (1919).
- Names of living individuals.
- Names of organizations related to the selection.
- Names of pet animals.
- Contrived names (i.e. new, invented).
- Acronyms.
- Names that include numbers or punctuation marks (diacritics are acceptable)
- Names that are principally known as trademarks or protected by intellectual property claims.
Name ExoWorlds National Committee:
Chair: Suresh Bhattarai (NOC)
Binil Aryal (Tribhuvan University)
Suman Satyal (University of Texas at Arlington/NASO)
Geeta Basyal (Ministry of Education, Science and Technology)
Rupa Manandhar (Science Teacher’s Association of Nepal)
Manisha Dwa (NASO)
Assigned ExoWorld Basic Info:

Identification: HD 100777
Type: yellow, dwarf
Constellation: Leo
Identification: HD 100777 b
Proposed Schedule:
June -July: Prepare promotional materials for the campaign.
August : Collection of proposals
September 17 – November: Shortlist the names and open for public voting
November: Selection of the three names
December: Global announcement of the result by IAU